除主鏡頭超廣角到十倍變焦表現亦出色,華為 P30 Pro 短期拍照體驗

2019.03.28 05:26AM
Feature phone, Smartphone, Cellular network, Multimedia, Product, Product design, Design, Mobile Phones, iPhone, feature phone, Gadget, Mobile phone, White, Communication Device, Smartphone, Electronic device, Feature phone, Portable communications device, Technology, Material property

華為旗艦機發表活動會後,華為也提供一支工程版本的 P30 Pro 測試機供體驗,整體軟體與屆時正式上市版本還有些許差異,不過趁著此次巴黎天氣良好,拍攝了些許的照片,以下也針對 P30 Pro 目前軟體版本所拍攝的結果提供照片與感想。另外,華為 P30 、 P30 Pro將於4/22日在台上市


►  youtube高畫質版:【癮編短評】華為 P30 Pro


三鏡頭切換銜接順暢超越 Mate 20

Cherry blossom, ST.AU.150 MIN.V.UNC.NR AD, Blackthorn, Blossom, Shadbush, Cherries, Subshrub, Prunus, blossom, Flower, Blossom, Spring, Tree, Plant, Branch, Twig, Woody plant, Shadbush, Cherry blossom

Street, Luxury vehicle, Mission Inn Hotel & Spa, Sky, , Venus Drive, Car, , Traffic, Architecture, sky, Sky, Cloud, Morning, Asphalt, Road, Town, Tree, Mountain, City, Vehicle

Cathédrale Notre-Dame de Paris, Basilica, Medieval architecture, Middle Ages, Facade, Cathedral, Spire, Architecture, Steeple, Tree, notre dame de paris, Sky, Architecture, Landmark, Building, Cathedral, Place of worship, Daytime, City, Church, Medieval architecture

在去年底體驗搭載三鏡頭的 Mate 20 時,較大的困惑是自廣角切換到超廣角鏡頭,總會有些許的卡頓感,甚至有時還會有切換鏡頭慢半拍的情況,不過此次 P30 Pro 無論是超廣角到標準再到長焦段,幾乎都在瞬間完成,甚至用雙指掐合變焦,亦沒有多個鏡頭切換的卡頓。

Car, Urban area, Metropolitan area, Tree, Winter, Lane, Sky, urban area, Street, Town, Urban area, City, Metropolitan area, Pedestrian, Neighbourhood, Human settlement, Downtown, Crowd

Car, , Metropolitan area, Tourist attraction, Arc de Triomphe, Urban area, Traffic, Night, Tree, Tourism, arc de triomphe, Arch, Triumphal arch, Landmark, Architecture, Night, Traffic, Metropolitan area, Lighting, Monument, Sky

若從早先採訪華為手機產品線副總裁李小龍對於此次 P30 系列鏡頭運作的說法,筆者認為此次不卡頓的關鍵除了 ISP 性能的提升外,應該還有 P30 Pro 的鏡頭多半時間都是維持兩個鏡頭同時啟動的影像合成拍攝,使得鏡頭在切換時不會像先前 Mate 20 系列需要喚醒休眠中的鏡頭。


Luxury vehicle, Car, Compact car, Minivan, Van, Sport utility vehicle, Sedan, Family car, Motor vehicle, Hatchback, street, Car, Vehicle, Mode of transport, Town, Transport, Street, Renault trafic, Public space, City, Urban area

Cathédrale Notre-Dame de Paris, Facade, Gothic architecture, Statue, Architecture, Ancient history, Carving, History, Paris, notre dame de paris, Sculpture, Stone carving, Architecture, Carving, Gothic architecture, Art, Place of worship, Cathedral, Classical architecture, Facade

使用過數位相機,會發現鏡頭在中長焦後超過一個焦段之後需要有非常大的焦段差距才會感受到視覺構圖的差異,而越廣角只要焦段差一點廣度就會差很多,目前多數智慧手機標準焦段與望遠焦段控制在三倍內,感受不算明顯,但或許是此次 P30 Pro 的預設焦段切換是一口氣從 27mm 標準焦段到 125mm ,就會感受到由於焦段變化大,有時在構圖上會需要再以雙指方式控制到中間焦段。

Car, Motor Vehicle Tires, Motorcycle, Scooter, Motor vehicle, Wheel, Moped, Vehicle, scooter, Vehicle, Motor vehicle, Automotive tire, Mode of transport, Scooter, Tire, Motorcycle, Automotive design, Transport, Wheel

Vespa, Pound, vespa, Motor vehicle, Scooter, Mode of transport, Vehicle, Vespa, Snapshot, Transport, Car, Automotive design, Street

, Lighting, Candle



Boulevard Haussmann, Galeries Lafayette, , Galeries Lafayette, Department store, Shopping, , Vue sur Coupole - Galeries Lafayette Paris Haussmann, , Printemps, galeries lafayette store, Dome, Ceiling, Byzantine architecture, Symmetry, Architecture, Daylighting, Building, Stock photography, Roof, Window


La Coupole des Galeries Lafayette - Galeries Lafayette Paris Haussmann, Stained glass, Symmetry, Pattern, , Galeries Lafayette, galeries lafayette store, Dome, Byzantine architecture, Stained glass, Symmetry, Architecture, Building, Pattern, Glass


Tourist attraction, Daylighting, Basilica, Symmetry, Ceiling, Cathedral, Tourism, , Galeries Lafayette, galeries lafayette store, Ceiling, Dome, Architecture, Building, Lighting, Symmetry, Byzantine architecture, Stained glass, Place of worship, Daylighting


雖說近期市場上有許多多鏡頭機種,但似乎每個鏡頭的測光、曝光甚至色彩表現都會有些許差異, P30 Pro 雖然分開看每個鏡頭拍出的表現都在水準之上,不過若在廣角與超廣角之間切換,可明顯看到測光之外、白平衡也有些許微妙的差異,在法國知名的老佛爺百貨/拉法葉百貨的穹頂,可看到超廣角的白平衡色彩似乎偏白不少。

10 倍無損變焦表現良好、但 50 倍數位變焦能用更出乎意料

Luxury vehicle, Compact car, Urban area, Sedan, Tree, Facade, Metropolitan area, Vehicle, Lane, Luxury goods, urban area, Urban area, Neighbourhood, Street, Town, Road, Vehicle, City, Downtown, Lane, Human settlement

Traffic light, Luxury vehicle, Traffic, Pedestrian, Compact car, Street, 2019 Audi S4, Vehicle, Metropolitan area, Motor vehicle, metropolitan area, Urban area, Traffic, Metropolitan area, Town, Neighbourhood, Motor vehicle, City, Street, Lighting, Downtown

Cathédrale Notre-Dame de Paris, Facade, Gothic architecture, Statue, Architecture, Ancient history, Carving, History, Paris, notre dame de paris, Sculpture, Stone carving, Architecture, Carving, Gothic architecture, Art, Place of worship, Cathedral, Classical architecture, Facade

Statue, History, Ancient history, Gargoyle, sky, Sculpture, Gargoyle, Architecture, Statue, Monument, Sky, Art, Classical architecture, Building, Facade

Earth, /m/02j71, Atmosphere of Earth, Sphere, Atmosphere, light, Lighting, Sphere, Circle, Space, Ceiling, Night, Light fixture

Car, Street, Street light, Metropolitan area, Traffic, Lane, Urban area, Tree, metropolitan area, Night, Street light, Metropolitan area, Urban area, Light, Lighting, Street, Lane, Road, Traffic


此次 P30 Pro 主打的就是藉由雙鏡頭演算的 10 倍無損變焦,其原理是透過 40MP 元件與 5 倍長焦元件的資訊搭配演算法組合而來,在白天的情況下輔以光學防手振,有著出色的畫質表現。

Building, Signage, signage, Text, Red, Font, Electronic signage, Building, Signage

Car, Girl, Socialite, Uniform, woman, Lady, Blond, Snapshot, Fashion, Street fashion, Pedestrian, Event, White-collar worker, Footwear, Fur

Luxury vehicle, Traffic light, Traffic, Transport, Traffic congestion, Pedestrian, Vehicle, Compact car, Palais Bourbon, Motor vehicle, palais bourbon, Urban area, Traffic, Metropolitan area, Motor vehicle, Vehicle, Street, City, Town, Mode of transport, Human settlement

Mode of transport, Machine, Transport, Urban area, metropolis, Metropolis, Metropolitan area, Urban area, Roof, City, Human settlement, Architecture, Transport, Neighbourhood, Condominium

50 倍數位變焦雖有明顯油畫感但堪用

不過最令人意外的還是 50 倍數位變焦是能用的這回事,縱使知道數位變焦是以裁切的方式而來,且照片的影像也有顯著的油畫感,但拜現代科技技術所賜,拍出的照片還是能辨別出應有的細節資訊,甚至比一些高倍變焦的隨身相機更堪用,同時也有更大的光圈使成像所需的秒數比那些高倍變焦機在長焦段更短。


Facade, Urban area, Shopping, Winter, Tree, RED.M, street, Red, Town, Street, Building, Snapshot, Pedestrian, Metropolitan area, Architecture, Urban area, City

Eiffel Tower, Hôtel France Eiffel, Tower, Hotel, Skyscraper, , Sunset, Cloud computing, Sky, Spire Inc, france eiffel hotel, Landmark, Sky, Tower, Spire, Atmospheric phenomenon, Cityscape, Architecture, City, Atmosphere, Metropolitan area

Knutsford, Black & White - M, Daowai District, Car, Facade, Canon EOS 5D Mark II, Manchester, Urban area, 1950s, House, urban area, White, Street, Black, Town, Neighbourhood, Black-and-white, Monochrome, Urban area, City, Human settlement

Basilica, Gothic architecture, , Facade, Cathedral, Symmetry, Architecture, Religion, Religious institute, landmark, Architecture, Holy places, Landmark, Classical architecture, Place of worship, Arch, Gothic architecture, Building, Symmetry, Cathedral

Window, Urban area, Black & White - M, , Facade, Skyscraper, Metropolitan area, Stock photography, Photography, Angle, sky, White, Black, Black-and-white, Monochrome, Architecture, Sky, Monochrome photography, Urban area, Town, Daytime

Car, Street, Street light, Metropolitan area, Traffic, Lane, Urban area, Tree, metropolitan area, Night, Street light, Metropolitan area, Urban area, Light, Lighting, Street, Lane, Road, Traffic

Metropolitan area, Car, Arc de Triomphe, Traffic, Urban area, Tree, Night, Lane, Square meter, Christmas lights, arc de triomphe, Night, Landmark, Metropolitan area, Thoroughfare, Traffic, Arch, Light, Architecture, Lighting, Urban area

無論是上一代的 P20 Pro 或是 Mate 20 Pro ,純粹論拍照的影像表現都是一時之選,以 1/1.7 吋 40MP 主元件搭配先進演算法得到的結果即便在一年後的今日依舊出色,而 P30 Pro 也同樣貫徹同時期數一數二的影像品質,且恐怕也依舊難以超越。

Building, metropolis, Building, Architecture, City, Retail, Shopping, Shopping mall, Arch, Government, Tourism

Equestrian, Horse, Rein, Stallion, Bridle, Horse Harnesses, Vehicle, Harness racing, equestrian, Horse, Bridle, Halter, Rein, Horse supplies, Mode of transport, Horse tack, Horse harness, Vehicle, Recreation

Tourist attraction, Tourism, Basilica, Cathedral, tourist attraction, Architecture, Building, Vault, Place of worship, Byzantine architecture, Tourist attraction, City, Basilica, Arcade, Church

Sainte-Chapelle, Chapel, Gothic architecture, Stained glass, , Architecture, Flickr, Photography, Gothic art, Image, sainte chapelle, Stained glass, Architecture, Landmark, Gothic architecture, Glass, Place of worship, Medieval architecture, Chapel, Vault, Cathedral

Glass bottle, Black & White - M, Glass, Bottle, Glass, Unbreakable, monochrome photography, Water, Glass bottle, Bottle, Glass, Black-and-white, Drink, Plastic bottle, Fluid, Barware, Vodka

主要的關鍵還是大尺寸感光元件與華為本身針對相機的最佳化調教仍不斷持續,近年手機廠的旗艦機多半向 Sony 或是三星訂購元件後再搭配演算法強化,但華為不僅只在主感光元件直接向元件廠訂製( PS:華為並未透露 P30 Pro 的 RYYB 元件來源但強調為客製化規格。),同時自身亦擁有海思提供處理器與 AI 技術,加上與徠卡合作的影像調教等,都使其持續進化。

Car, Metropolitan area, Traffic, Urban area, Mixed-use, Lane, Facade, Plaza M, Skyscraper, Skyscraper, sky, City, Town, Urban area, Street, Human settlement, Downtown, Metropolitan area, Landmark, Building, Neighbourhood

P30 此次拍攝的樣張表現也同樣令人驚艷,在不刻意手動微調,開啟 AI 輔助後,僅以手指選擇對焦點的拍攝,多數的照片比起一般數位相機的自動處理出色許多,並且曝光的可預期性、色彩表現與細節也相當穩定,以隨拍隨分享的角度,多半時刻只要專注於構圖、有特殊需要再進行手動微調或是進入特殊模式即可。

Pink M, umbrella, Umbrella, Pattern, Fashion accessory, Tints and shades, Morning glory, Flower, Magenta

Pink M, umbrella, Umbrella, Fashion accessory

Vacation, Tourism, Pink M, umbrella, Umbrella, Pink, Fashion accessory, Fun, Tree, Plant, Happy, World, Crowd

Bench, Garden furniture, Tree, Furniture, bench, Bench, Outdoor bench, Furniture, Tree, Outdoor furniture, Leaf, Architecture, Wood, Park, Plant

Tourist attraction, ST.AU.150 MIN.V.UNC.NR AD, Cherry blossom, Urban area, Nature, , Blossom, Cherries, Tourism, Sky, sky, Tree, Sky, Morning, Evening, Spring, Woody plant, Branch, Plant, Winter, Architecture

Tourist attraction, Steeple, Statue, Urban area, Tree, Tourism, Cloud computing, Sky, Spire Inc, sky, Landmark, Sky, Spire, Architecture, Tree, Building, City, Monument, Tower, Steeple

Car, Tourist attraction, Urban area, Crowd, Public space, Public, Tourism, Sky, urban area, Sky, Evening, Tree, Pedestrian, Morning, Public space, Crowd, City, Street, Winter

Car, Tree, Tourist attraction, Urban area, Public space, Sunlight, Tourism, Lane, Public, Leaf, tree, Sky, People, Tree, Urban area, Pedestrian, Street, Evening, Morning, Town, Public space

Tree, Lawn, Real Estate, Campus, , , Suburb, Leaf, Estate, Sky, sky, Sky, Cloud, Daytime, Mountain, Grass, Wilderness, Morning, Lawn, Tree, Spring

Happywall, Gamla stan, Wall, Tapetklister, Wallpaper, Fototapet, Design, Facade, Canvas, Mural, palais garnier, Black, White, Black-and-white, Monochrome, Sky, Monochrome photography, City, Town, Landmark, Architecture

Palais Garnier, , Hotel, Tourist attraction, FESTIVALS AND LIGHTS, Fetes Et Feux Productions, Architecture, Ecosia, Reforestation, Revenue, palais garnier, Sky, Landmark, City, Architecture, Building, Urban area, Town, Human settlement, Cloud, Roof

Wine glass, Alcoholic Beverages, Water, Glass bottle, Black & White - M, Glass, Bottle, Drink, Alcoholism, water, Water, Black-and-white, Drink, Glass, Alcohol, Monochrome photography, Glass bottle, Monochrome, Drinkware, Barware



1 則回應

  • 然而這麼慘小的感光元件就算有1億像素也是比不上相機